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Institute for Multicultural Counseling & Education Services
A Private Non Profit Organization Associated with DPI/NGO
with ECOSOC Status of The United Nations for Human Rights
IMCES works with (or provides services to) batterers of domestic violence, providing culturally appropriate intervention, treatment, and educational training. The goal of this program is to provide culturally appropriate treatment and educational training for the batterers of violence.

This program is designed to provide services to individuals who have been referred by the court for DV treatment. IMCES is committed to providing culturally appropriate services for the batterer's of violence. Our Batterer’s Group Treatment Program provides clients with new skill sets and group process allows clients to reshape attitudes and beliefs to replace abusive and controlling thoughts and behaviors.
Must present court order
Be willing to commit and attend to all 52 sessions sequentially
Be prepared to pay fees:
+ $50 Enrollment
+ $20 Per session
Be able to provide information regarding the victim
Education, discussion, and experiential learning support the integration of new skills throughout the 52 week Domestic Violence Batter’s program.
IMCES offers a sliding fee schedule with classes available evenings and Saturdays.
IMCES is approved by the Los Angeles County Probation Department.
This program is designed to provide services to parents who have been referred by the court regarding child neglect or child abuse. IMCES is committed to providing culturally appropriate parenting education services to our diverse population. Our Parenting Education Group Program provides clients with new skills through group process and psycho-education supporting effective parenting and nurturing families. Topics and experiential activities include but not limited to: child development, communication, appropriate discipline, mental health, child abuse, anger management and healthy relationships.

Must present court order when referred by court
Be willing to commit and participate to all 52 sessions sequentially
Be prepared to pay fees
+ $50 Enrollment
+ $20 Per session

IMCES is approved by the Los Angeles County Department of Probation and Department of Children & Family Services.
Education, discussion, and experiential learning support integration of new skills throughout the 52 week Parenting Education Program.
IMCES offers a sliding fee schedule with classes available evenings and weekends.

This program is designed to provide services to individuals who have been referred by the court regarding anger management issues. IMCES is committed to providing culturally appropriate anger management services to a diverse population. Our Anger Management group Treatment Program provides clients with new skills through group process and psycho-education to effectively manage their emotions. Topics and experiential activities include but not limited to: problem solving, assertive communication, stress management, and perspective taking.
Must present court order
Be willing to commit and participate
to all 52 sessions sequentially -
Be prepared to pay fees
+ $50 Enrollment
+ $20 Per session
Education, discussion, and experiential learning support integration of new skills
throughout the 52 week Parenting Education Program. -
IMCES offers a sliding fee schedule with classes available evenings and weekends.
IMCES is approved by the Los Angeles County Department of Probation and
Department of Children & Family Services.
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